ON MARCH 9, 2024
The Seattle Fetish Ball offers fetishists a space where they can show their best side, meet and socialize. You’ll dance, you’ll drink and you’ll look fabulous in your outfits. Visitors can look forward to top-class performances by award-winning artists. The performances range from fetish burlesque to whip cracking. The music will be provided by 2 fantastic DJs who will claw their way into our hearts.
A fetish ball without a fashion show is not a fetish ball. Blacklickorish Latex, sponsored by us, the Vivishine Company will present their fabulous latex fashion on the catwalk.
More information about the event: https://www.seattlefetishball.com/
More information about the Blacklickorish Latex label: www.Blacklickorish.com
We wish all participants an extraordinary event in Seattle.