Lets latex awesome
and you vivishining


Latex care products

Discover our innovative latex care products Vivishine, Viviclean and Vividress and find out why our products are so popular. 

We are very proud that our name Vivishine stands for quality and reliability worldwide . We will continue to do everything we can to ensure that this remains the case in the future. You can find here all information about our products and also worth knowing about latex in general. 


Vivishine - macht Latex glänzend. 3 blaue Flaschen mit Vivishine zur Latexpflege


Vivishine spray

Vivishine Spray - eine blaue Sprühflasche für das polieren von Latexkleidung


Vivi fresh-up


Viviclean - Waschlotion und Reinigung für Latexkleidung. Eine blaue Flasche mit Viviclean Inhalt. Latex Reinigung schonend, intensiv, geruchsneutralisierend.



Glossy latex and unique feel

The beautiful shine of latex and also the unique feeling of wearing always fascinates people. But there are some things you should know about it to enjoy it from the beginning.

What should I think about if I want to try latex?
What is there to consider if I want to preserve latex for a long time?

Hier finden Sie nicht nur Produktangebote, sondern auch viele Tipps aus langjähriger Erfahrung zur Auswahl des passenden Kleidungsstücks, zum Anziehen, Waschen, Pflegen, Lagern und Glänzen von Latex.

If you have further questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. And now have fun on our pages. Your Vivishine Team

Learn more about latex and exciting news:

Mittel (SNY10047)

Interview with Viviwash model Miss Kataleya

Find out more about Miss Kataleya - model for Viviwash, dominatrix and apartment operator.

Professional latex clothing repairs to perfection!

Do you love your latex products, but a small tear or hole is spoiling the fun? Then Meurers Latex Repair Service is your reliable partner! ...

The international fetish convention: BoundCon Munich 2024

BoundCon in Munich is a fixed date in the calendar of fetish and BDSM enthusiasts every year. Vivishine will once again be on board as ...
Obscene Messe

Get your Vivishine shopping bag at Obscene 2024

We are delighted to be the sponsor of the Obscene trade fair again this year with our popular shopping bags.

Sponsoring Easter Fetish Meeting 2024 (EFM2024)

The Easter Fetish Meeting is an annual hotel takeover by and for the non-profit community. We are once again sponsors and wish all visitors a ...
Seattle Fetish Ball March 9 2024

Seattle Fetish Ball – Blacklickorish Latex shines on the catwalk thanks to Vivishine

A fetish ball without a fashion show is not a fetish ball. Blacklickorish Latex, sponsored by us, the Vivishine Company will present their fabulous latex ...

Buy Latex Care Vivishine:

ViviShine has been convincing customers worldwide since 2005. We are proud that so many distributors sell our products: